
Wednesday, October 30, 2019

MultiSelectHelper class - Select multilpe records in form grid to update the data altogether once.

1) Create a class that extends the runbase class.

2) write a main method to handle the class methods and its arugments

In main method declare the below helper class
 MultiSelectionHelper                helper;//multiselect

and also validate the class is invoked based on correct paramaters and caller

for example: if(_args && _args.dataset() == tableNum(VendInvoiceInfoTable))//if class is invoked from table VendInvoiceInfoTable.

also initialize the helper class as below
 helper  = MultiSelectionHelper::createFromCaller(_args.caller());

read the first record as vendInvoiceInfoTable = helper.getFirst();

and next records as vendInvoiceInfoTable = helper.getNext();

loop the multiple records recading
while (vendInvoiceInfoTable)

vendInvoiceInfoTable = helper.getNext();


refresh the caller form - formDataSourceRefresh(VendInvoiceInfoTable); this will help to show the data updated inmmidiately after the function runs.

Invoke this class using Action menu item and please make sure to setup the menu property :MultiSelect to YES whereever you add this menuitem on the form

complete example:

MultiSelectionHelper                helper;//multiselect
    if(_args && _args.dataset() == tableNum(VendInvoiceInfoTable))
        helper  = MultiSelectionHelper::createFromCaller(_args.caller());
        vendInvoiceInfoTable = helper.getFirst();
        if (pendingInvoiceUpdate.prompt())
            while (vendInvoiceInfoTable)
                if(vendInvoiceInfoTable ))
                vendInvoiceInfoTable = helper.getNext();
            formDataSourceRefresh(VendInvoiceInfoTable);//refresh the caller form